Shelley du Plessis

Babywearing Doula


Babywearing Doula

Hi there, and welcome to my little blurb about who I am and how I got here.

I come from a small town in Zimbabwe. Living there I would often see the locals wearing their babies on their backs as they went about their day. My journey to becoming a mum was a long one with 15 years of IVF, with many highs and lows experienced on our way to having 3 beautiful children and fostering over 30 babies during the past 10 years.

One day our nanny took my unsettled, fussy, colicky newborn and wrapped him onto my back, with in minutes he was quiet, content and asleep. That was my "ah ha" moment.

Fast forward 10 years when, now living in NZ, my second son came along and I decided to attend a babywearing meet. There were so many options available: ring slings, stretchies, woven wraps, mei deis, soft structured carriers, where to start? I jumped right in and emerged later with a love of woven wraps and a passion for babywearing.

Babywearing has comforted my daughter when she has been sick and I have needed to prepare dinner; it has strengthened the bond with my son as we have walked along the river and I have heard him babbling in my ear as we discuss all things we see.

It has provided safety and security for many foster babies and toddlers who have arrived at my door overwhelmed and scared. I have experienced so many of the benefits that come with babywearing.

I would love to help any new parent navigate their way through the different carriers so that they find one that suites their needs. I want everyone to have their "ah ha" moment too. I can help you begin to experience the benefits of wearing baby close to your heart.

In all my years as a newborn foster mum and having over 30 babies come and stay, I have gained invaluable experience and come to realise there is not a lot of support for new parents and sometimes life can be pretty full on and as a mum we never put ourselves first nor often ask for help.

This is why I started to offer postpartum care here in Hamilton. I wanted to start mothering the Mothers and help support, nurture and empower them in their new roles as parents.

I have the ability to walk alongside you as you navigate the 4th trimester and get to know your newborn baby.



10 Years Experience New Born Foster Mum

Newborn Foster Mum

10 Years Experience



"I learnt so much from Shelley. She was so generous with her time and experience. She answered a million questions (almost literally) and thanks to the time I spent with her I grew to trust myself a bit more as a mother. I'm so grateful for that and I highly recommend her as a baby wearing consultant and a postpartum doula."

— Beth

"Shelley, you are such a beautiful soul and my time with you has been such an important part of my postpartum journey. I am honoured to have you in my village."

— Le Anna